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  Tuesday, September 06, 2005

DON’T: Loot a $37 DVD player from a flooded Wal-Mart

Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan: “I hope the looters are shot.’s Glenn Reynolds: “People [looting nonessentials] should be shot.”

Atlanta talk show host Neil Boortz: “Now I’m serious here … not just saying this for effect. Shoot to kill. column: “Shoot Looters.”

DO: Loot millions of dollars from ordinary Americans by hiking gas prices across the country up to several dollars per gallon, all under the political cover of a horrible natural disaster

National Review: Gouge On: A Defense of Gas Profiteering

AEI scholar John Lott: A Look at the Positive Side of Price-Gouging and Greed

(Via Think Progress.)

11:36:00 PM    comment []

New Onion hits New Orleans dead on (new Onion)

(Via robot wisdom weblog.)

11:30:41 PM    comment []

Here's a sample. Go check out the whole list.

The Appendix: Often derided by secular scientists as unimportant, the appendix is in fact an essential feature in God's meticulous design for humanity. The Almighty uses this organ, which He non-coincidentally sculpted in the shape of a miniature flaccid penis, to remotely inflict torturous earthly pain on all who displease Him.

Wisdom Teeth: Contrary to the preposterous notion that the human jaw bone has somehow grown incrementally smaller over the course of untold millennia, God took great pride in carefully programming our DNA to cause at least one impacted wisdom tooth in 90% of adults. He did this in order to assure a bright and promising future for another of his intelligent creations: orthodontia.

The “Tail Bone”: Though it has labored under the double indignity of TWO anti-Christian labels: the evolution-implying “tail bone” and egregiously lewd “coccyx”, this ingeniously sensitive spinal tip was installed by God specifically for occasions when your rollerskates fly out from under you while you're doing the Hokey-Pokey – so you'll land on something that punishes you for acting like white trash.

(Via Evolutionblog.)

11:29:56 PM    comment []

As it headed out toward Mercury, the MESSENGER probe took a series of shots of the Earth receding over the period of one full rotation. The shots have been compiled into a movie that is just stunningly pretty. [jwz]

(Via Futurismic.)

4:38:33 PM    comment []

This is a very interesting and optimistic view of what to do with New Orleans. It's good to read at this time, mostly because it's written by someone who knows what he's talking about, and has already participated in a lot of the work of planning a new New Orleans. The best thing that can be done to honor the memories of those thousands who died, and to attempt to make up to those who have lost so much is to do New Orleans right. This is a pretty exciting page.

3:43:26 PM    comment []

This is how democratic government is supposed to work. People want something (say good disaster preparation). Person A says, "I am good at disaster preparation. Please elect me." The people do so. Then a disaster comes and the response is shitty, reflecting bad preparation. Then, the people see that the response is shitty and they hold the politician accountable for his shitty response by voting him out of office. That way, the politicians to come will make damn sure that they got their fucking ducks in a row when the next disaster comes.

To argue that we should not criticize the President in the event of a failure of government (whether it is a terrorist attack or poor disaster response or the poverty level rises for the 4th year in a row) is to argue that democracy should not be allowed to operate; that the grief of the current tragedy should be allowed to so blind us that it happens again.

(Via Tiberius and Gaius Speaking....)

3:13:30 PM    comment []

Good stuff. But it doesn't matter: to the Biblical literalist, the answer is "god can do anything."

3:02:17 PM    comment []

Be kind to your fine-feathered friends! It'll be something to see kids dinosaur toys, and dinosaurs in movies replete with Puffin-like plumage!

2:53:46 PM    comment []

From Inside EPA:

The White House has convened a Cabinet-level task force in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina that does not include EPA, prompting a number government watchdog groups to raise concerns that the exclusion may reflect an effort to downplay the extent of environmental contamination in the storm-ravaged Gulf Coast region.

President Bush announced Aug. 31 that the Red Cross and 10 federal agencies, including the Small Business Administration and the Department of Labor, but not EPA, are part of the “federal response” to the damage caused by the hurricane.


One source with the government watchdog group OMB Watch says the administration was “short sighted by not including [EPA] right away,” saying it is likely that toxic material, human waste and other contaminants released as as a result of the hurricane are polluting the area and threatening public health. The source speculates that the White House excluded EPA from the task force because of a fear that agency staff may find politically damaging information, similar to what happened in the wake of Sept. 11, 2001, when EPA was critical of the administration’s response to the environmental contamination caused by the terrorist attacks.

(Via Cosmic Variance.)

2:43:33 PM    comment []

Wow! APOD photos are almost always gorgeous, but this one of Enceladus takes the cake. If you have a few moments and a good-sized monitor, click on the image to see a big version of it. What a sight!

2:26:56 PM    comment []

“And so many of the people in the arena [the Astrodome] here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this — this is working very well for them.” (Via Atrios) UPDATE: Audio.

(Via Think Progress.)

12:55:45 PM    comment []

Shorter Rebecca Hagelin:

If only those colored people would behave themselves, this flood could make a really good movie.

(Via Suburban Guerrilla.)

12:50:35 PM    comment []

Bob Denver died on Friday. He may be remembered as Gilligan, but he'll always be Maynard G. Krebs to me. (The "G" stood for Walter.)

12:17:58 PM    comment []

But just the good stuff!

9:32:05 AM    comment []

Woo hoo! Randy makes me Blogger of the Day!

9:30:11 AM    comment []

Cory Doctorow: English as She is Spoke (1883) is the worst English phrasebook ever produced. Its author, a Portuguese speaker, did not speak English. Rather, he took the a French-English phrasebook and a Portuguese-French phrasebook and translated the former using the latter.

With a hair dresser.

Your razors, are them well?
Yes, Sir.
Comb-me quickly; don't put me so much pomatum. What news tell me? all hairs dresser are newsmonger.
Sir, I have no heared any thing.


(Thanks, KnowAngel!)

(Via Boing Boing.)

8:53:58 AM    comment []

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