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  Monday, September 26, 2005

NASA Cassini Image: Tethys, Dione, and Saturn's Rings

"This image was taken on September 22, 2005 and received on Earth September 23, 2005. The camera was pointing toward Tethys (and Dione) at approximately 1,495,564 kilometers away."

- NASA Cassini Image: Dione and Saturn's Rings (close-up)
- NASA Cassini Image: Dione and Saturn's Rings

(Via NASA Watch.)

10:17:58 PM    comment []

1. Do you smell foul odors?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
2. Are you homosexual?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
3. Do you deny Jesus of Nazareth is God?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
4. Do you read Red State Rabble?
Yes [ ] No [ ]

An answer of Yes to one or more of these questions, could indicate demonic possession according to psychologist Rex Rosenberg. Who, you are asking, is Rex Rosenberg? Why, he's Kansas' chief evaluator of who is committed to the state’s sexual predator program at Larned State Hospital.

Since Rosenberg took over evaluations at Larned four years ago, reports Eric Weslander in the Lawrence Journal World, the percentage of people labeled as sexual predators has skyrocketed.

(Okay, we just threw the Red State Rabble survey question in. It's not really on Rosenbergs survey, but, we're willing to bet, there are more than a few of you who would, in Carl Sagan's memorable phrase, like to light a candle in this demon haunted world.)

(Via Red State Rabble.)

9:49:28 PM    comment []

Here's a map of my ride up the hill. Basically, everything from the 1 mile marker, or a couple blocks before, and about 4 and a half here (the top of Moeser Lane) is u hill. And some pretty steep hills, at that. It usually takes just under half an hour to go from the 1 mile marker to the top of Moeser. We did this ride this afternoon. (Again, It doesn't include my house on it, the starting point is a bit of misdirection.)

9:44:53 PM    comment []

Wow! Lemon Pipers playing the jingle jangle green tambouine on Mike Douglas. too damned weird.

(Via Bedazzled!.)

8:55:52 PM    comment []

This is one of my favorite rides, along the bay trail from Albany to the Richmond Marina. This map doesn't include the full directions to my house (it starts from central Albany), as that made me fee kind of weird, so the real ride is about a mile longer than this one. I love the Gmaps mashup that allowed me to create and link to this route. I ride various variations of this route, sometimes going down a different street and on the other side of the race track, and sometimes I go further, into Point Richmond (one day I'll annotate that ride, too). That stretch between the 3 and 4 mile markers on the mashup is very nice, with lots of shorebirds, great tidelands, and a terrific view of San Francisco. Hard to beat on a nice day.

7:27:50 PM    comment []

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) has been busy today. They launched a new website which highlights the next 13 most corrupt members of Congress -- that is the 13 after Tom DeLay.

And, they filed an ethics complaint against Frist, who is, course, one of the 13.

The GOP/right wing must really hate CREW. Imagine what it would be like if other progressive groups were so savvy and aggressive.

(Via AMERICAblog.)

7:03:55 PM    comment []

It's time to start trashing Pat Tillman:

Baer, who served with Tillman for more than a year in Iraq and Afghanistan, told one anecdote that took place during the March 2003 invasion as the Rangers moved up through southern Iraq.

"I can see it like a movie screen," Baer said. "We were outside of (a city in southern Iraq) watching as bombs were dropping on the town. We were at an old air base, me, Kevin and Pat, we weren't in the fight right then. We were talking. And Pat said, 'You know, this war is so f— illegal.' And we all said, 'Yeah.' That’s who he was. He totally was against Bush."

Another soldier in the platoon, who asked not to be identified, said Pat urged him to vote for Bush's Democratic opponent in the 2004 election, Sen. John Kerry.

Jesus' General.)

6:55:23 PM    comment []

Not a good time. First Bob Denver, now Don Adams.

4:33:02 PM    comment []

So I hear. He will probably agree with Rahm... "Bill Frist has this all upside down," said Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.), chairman of the House Democrats' campaign committee. "He thought Terri Schiavo could see and his trust was blind." UPDATE:...

(Via The Stakeholder.)

4:18:31 PM    comment []

Human Rights Watch: New Orleans Prisoners Abandoned to Floodwaters: "As Hurricane Katrina began pounding New Orleans, the sheriff's department abandoned hundreds of inmates imprisoned in the city’s jail, Human Rights Watch said today.

Inmates in Templeman III, one of several buildings in the Orleans Parish Prison compound, reported that as of Monday, August 29, there were no correctional officers in the building, which held more than 600 inmates. These inmates, including some who were locked in ground-floor cells, were not evacuated until Thursday, September 1, four days after flood waters in the jail had reached chest-level.

“Of all the nightmares during Hurricane Katrina, this must be one of the worst,” said Corinne Carey, researcher from Human Rights Watch. “Prisoners were abandoned in their cells without food or water for days as floodwaters rose toward the ceiling.” "

(Via Follow Me Here....)

8:47:34 AM    comment []

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