Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Remember how Bill O'Reilly decided to write off San Francisco because local voters disagreed with him about military recruiting?
"If Al Qaeda comes in here and blows you up, we're not going to do anything about it," he continued. "We're going to say, 'look, every other place in America is off limits to you, except San Francisco. You want to blow up the Coit Tower? Go ahead." [November 8, 2005]
Listen to O'Reilly's tirade at Crooks and Liars.
Bill O'Reilly on why Ward Churchill, the controversial ethnic studies professor, should have been fired:
One more thing. I have, or, I'm revising my opinion based upon this new information that he thinks more 9/11s are necessary, but last week I said, look, don't fire him, because the message it sends to the enemies is, we oppress people we disagree with. Our country is strong enough to put up with even him, but now he seems to have gone over another line. You know, if he is calling for the murder of American citizen, you simply can't have him. [February 18, 2005]
Thankfully, talkshow hosts don't have tenure. Help fire Bill O'Reilly.
(Via Majikthise.)
9:20:45 PM
Quinnipiac. 11/8-13. MoE 3.4% (8/31 results)Nelson (D) 55 (57) Harris (R) 31 (33) Update: Oh, and Harris is a loon. Katherine Harris, then Florida's Secretary of State—and now a member of the U.S. House of Representatives—ordered a study in which, according to an article by Jim Stratton in the Orlando Sentinel, "Researchers worked with a rabbi and a cardiologist to test ‘Celestial Drops,' promoted as a canker inhibitor because of its ‘improved fractal design,' ‘infinite levels of order,' and ‘high energy and low entropy.'" The study determined that the product tested was, basically, water that had apparently been blessed according to the principles of Kabbalic mysticism, "chang[ing] its molecular structure and imbu[ing] it with supernatural healing powers."
(Via Daily Kos.)
8:46:13 PM
Good one.
8:29:33 PM
DarkSyde is a regular writer for DailyKos and Unscrewing the Inscrutible. His post of late last night on DKOS has already generated 350+ Comments (1 in 100 posts get that many comments). It's long but thoughtful and as usual, well written.
However, don't read it at dKos because it takes forever to load and there is a formatting problem. Instead read the post at UTI.
What It Feels Like to be an Atheist | Unscrewing The Inscrutable
(Via A Rational Being.)
How do you think the North Pole came to be Santa's Workshop if there is no Santa for crying out loud???? Huh? Huh? Answer THAT ONE Mr Smarty-pants!!!
8:08:45 PM
People complain about left-wing "political correctness" and the left-wing "language police," but has anyone ever been as hypersensitive about language as the contemporary American right? Modern right-wingers get the vapors when department-store cashiers say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas," they detect anti-Italian prejudice in the nickname "Scalito" -- and now we have Father Richard John Neuhaus, Bush advisor and editor of the right-wing Catholic magazine First Things, writing this about Judith Miller in his First Things blog:
... She said she is free from the "convent of the New York Times, a convent with its own theology and its own catechism." Who would have thought of the Times as a convent?
The image of the nun jumping to freedom over the convent wall was a staple in the heyday of anti-Catholic propaganda. Of course the nun almost never had the help of high-powered lawyers extracting a big severance deal from the convent....
Anti-Catholic innuendos notwithstanding, a convent, a theology, and a catechism are all things of beauty. In the service of Christ and his Church, they well warrant the surrender of a life in devotion to transcendent truth. As I would like to think Ms. Miller knows, that is very different from having spent 28 years of her life surrendering her intelligence in order to toe the line of the smelly little orthodoxies of the New York Times.
I don't have much good to say about Judy Miller, but give me a break -- she's not exhibiting anti-Catholic bigotry here. Switch to decaf, Father.
(Via No More Mister Nice Blog.)
7:58:19 PM
There is a special place in hell for Bush, Frist, Hastert and all the rest.
Of course, it's no coincidence that the Republicans cut money for Ground Zero heroes on the same day that Senate Republican Leader Bill Frist pens an op ed about how we need MORE tax cuts.
Hey, what's a few dead 9/11 firemen and policemen when there are rich corporate executives who need their 4th, 5th, or is that 6th
(Via AMERICAblog.)
7:41:57 PM
Of course he was a crook:
WASHINGTON, Nov. 15 – Investigators at the Corporation for Public Broadcasting concluded today that its former chairman repeatedly broke federal law and its own regulations in a campaign to combat what he saw as liberal bias.
The scathing report by the corporation’s inspector general described a dysfunctional organization that violated the Public Broadcasting Act, which created the corporation and was written to insulate programming decisions from politics. [...]
The corporation’s former chairman, Kenneth Y. Tomlinson, who was ousted from the board two weeks ago when it was presented in a closed session with the details of the report, has said he sought to enforce a provision of the Public Broadcasting Act meant to ensure objectivity and balance in programming. But the report said that in the process, Mr. Tomlinson repeatedly crossed statutory boundaries that set up the corporation as a “heat shield” to protect public radio and television from political interference.
(Via Suburban Guerrilla.)
7:37:42 PM
The Dalai Lama says: "If science proves some belief of Buddhism wrong, then Buddhism will have to change."
(Via Mark A. R. Kleiman.)
7:29:00 PM
I'm glad to know that it's not just the Democrats anymore (emphasis mine):
The U.S. Senate opened debate today on measures that would put the chamber on record for the first time asking President George W. Bush to set limits for keeping American troops in Iraq.
The Bush administration "needs to explain to Congress and the American people its strategy for the successful completion of the mission,'' say resolutions introduced separately by both Republicans and Democrats. [...]
(Via Sadly, No!.)
8:31:42 AM
by Stirling Newberry
Think Progress calls it McCarthyism. Let's call it what it is, Bill O'Reilly is siding with the terrorists in an internal political dispute. That's treason, because the United States is, declared by Congress, still at war with terrorism globally.
Why isn't the executive making sure that the laws are faithfully executed and arresting him for giving aid and comfort to America's enemies?
(Via BOPnews.)
8:16:34 AM
Lunar Exploration Vision Obscures Successes on Mars, Editorial, Aviation Week & Space Technology
"To deemphasize the robotic Mars program now, in a tradeoff with the manned lunar vision, would be a terrible mistake. Washington needs to be reawakened to the quantifiable payoff the robotic Mars program brings now, in terms of NASA political capital in Congress and scientific, educational and technological benefits to the U.S. as a whole. Accompanying these factors is exploration as a positive symbol of America's contributions to all mankind."
(Via NASA Watch.)
8:11:37 AM
© Copyright 2005 Steve Michel.
Last update: 12/2/2005; 7:09:31 PM.