Wednesday, November 23, 2005
I just got a piece of spam with a very odd headline (I know, very odd headlines are par for the course): "Viagra Pro will save you from sexual hardships." First, there's the issue of "Pro" Viagra -- makes me think of Fred Garvin, Male Prostitute. Then the second issue, is I thought Viagra was supposed to supply the sexual hardship, not save you from it!
10:06:42 AM
Spirit Marks One Year on Mars (One Martian Year, that is)
"Spirit, the untiring robotic "wonder child" sent by NASA to explore the eerily earthlike fourth planet from the sun, has completed one martian year--that's almost two Earth years--on Mars. Designed to last only 90 martian days (sols), the six-wheeled marvel the size of a golf cart has pursued a steady course of solar-driven geologic fieldwork, bringing back some 70,000 images and a new understanding of Mars as a potential habitat."
(Via NASA Watch.)
8:24:56 AM
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Last update: 12/2/2005; 7:10:13 PM.