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  Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I know a lot of folks who think Tom Friedman is a pretty smart guy. I've never gotten it; to me he's always seemed like something of a shill for the right even though he doesn't pretend to be, and when he does get something right, it's usually a couple years late.

Fair today has a pretty good rundown of his unchanging witlessness over what's going on in Iraq. Since 2003, he's been saying very regularly, that we just need to give them another 6 months:

"The next six months in Iraq—which will determine the prospects for democracy-building there—are the most important six months in U.S. foreign policy in a long, long time."
(New York Times, 11/30/03)

"Improv time is over. This is crunch time. Iraq will be won or lost in the next few months. But it won't be won with high rhetoric. It will be won on the ground in a war over the last mile."
(New York Times, 11/28/04)

"We've teed up this situation for Iraqis, and I think the next six months really are going to determine whether this country is going to collapse into three parts or more or whether it's going to come together."
(CBS's Face the Nation, 12/18/05)

"Well, I think that we're going to find out, Chris, in the next year to six months—probably sooner—whether a decent outcome is possible there, and I think we're going to have to just let this play out."

(MSNBC's Hardball, 5/11/06)

And I just picked a few examples! There are a lot more. How is he being anything but a witless shill for the neocons?

2:30:26 PM    comment []

CNN's Bush Moment

CNN was a little over anxious in their coverage of Bush's speech tonight.

                                            Video-WMP Video-QT

Wolf: Let me interrupt for a second. I think what happened Jeff, is that the President is rehearsing and the pool, the network pool inadvertently went to the President as he was rehearsing...

Just another CNN conspiracy moment to make our Commander in Chief look bad.

Update: CNN just sent me an email with a document saying that:"NBC stage manager has now admitted he cued the president early and CNN was the only network ready to go."

(h/t David Edwards)

(Via Crooks and Liars.)

9:16:18 AM    comment []

Wow, maybe old news, but this moron who calls himself Vox thinks women shouldn't have the vote because he doesn't like the way they vote!

why would any Republican, or any non-Republican like myself, who opposes more government spending, higher taxation, more divorce, more single-parent households, more social pathologies and more government control over individual behavior, agree that women have to be allowed to vote?

Perhaps not all women are fascists at heart, but without their votes, few fascists would ever be elected.

9:14:53 AM    comment []

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