Steve's No Direction Home Page

My mule is sick and my horse is blind.


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  Monday, November 20, 2006

This is an excellent concert, strong from first to last. Bob sings very well, the band is better than they were at the start of the tour, the song selection is great. The M&A recording is just terrific, very warm, with a minimum of annoying people nearby. Highly recommended.

10:40:07 PM    comment []

10:13:56 PM    comment []

Myrhaf takes on the Fermi Paradox.

He's probably right: it's just too expensive to go anywhere. And probably no fun, either:

(To digress for a moment, can you imagine being the third or fourth generation born in such a traveling world [an asteroid hollowed out to form a spaceship, a space home or spome]? They would watch movies of Earth and know that they would never swim in an ocean, climb a mountain, feel the sun on their back, ride an inner tube down the Sacramento River or see Paris or New York or any of the glorious cities of Earth. Even if they managed to turn their spome around, they would die before it got back to Earth. Instead they’re stuck inside a rock. You think they might be a little pissed off? Preventing societal breakdown and general madness would be a major concern for the spomites.)

10:11:47 PM    comment []

David Brin on Jack Williamson

(Via Locus Online Blinks.)

1:11:34 PM    comment []

Senator Russ Feingold on our misplaced priorities in a post-9/11 world:

Feingold said that he supported the war in Afghanistan, saying that he thought it was necessary and was handled well.

"Then out of the blue came Iraq. But that just didn't seem to fit with 9/11," he said.

Feingold displayed a list, consisting of countries where al-Qaeda was operating, that he said circulated around the White House after 9/11. He said that of the 45 countries on that list, Iraq was not one.

"Iraq was not even on the White House list -- just to give you an idea of how bizarre (the decision to go to war in Iraq) is," Feingold said.

(Via Daily Kos.)

12:10:43 PM    comment []

Good news. Woodrell's Give Us a Kiss is a natural for a movie, and I think Huston could do a good job with it, depending on how close it stays to the novel. There's lots of good stuff in that book.

11:24:26 AM    comment []

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