Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
Computers, freedom, and anything else that comes to mind.

Friday, November 29, 2002

Why is the Palestinian Authority taking property away from Palestinians? [OpinionJournal]

Short answer: because it's a government, and that's what governments do.
comment () trackback ()  10:01:33 PM    

Somalia and Anarchy. Jim Davidson at The Libertarian Nation Foundation - Somalia and Anarchy - a piece from the summer of 2001 about the state of the state in Somalia (basically, there is no state, but there IS respect for property and contract).
Let me go further, though: nobody gives you freedom. You aren't free unless you claim and defend your freedom. A state doesn't make you free. It taxes you, it imposes upon you, it regulates your conduct, and it may pretend to offer guarantees of safety. But a state cannot make you free, and isn't interested in the task. A state serves the interests of those who control the state; anyone else who derives any benefit from the state may be getting a "free ride" which is unlikely to last. And, of course, the cost of those perceived benefits are enormous, paid for by taxes.

A constitution doesn't make you free. It also makes a lousy bullet-proof vest. I prefer Kevlar and those nice ceramic inserts.

Your neighbors don't make you free, the police don't make you free, and your education doesn't make you free (though it can be very helpful). You are the only person who is able to make you free. You either arrange for your freedom by cooperative means and fight for it when necessary, or you submit to those who command your obedience. If you are not willing to pay the cost of freedom, you won't have it.
[End the War on Freedom]
comment () trackback ()  9:46:13 PM    

Kenya probe focuses on Somali militants. United States officials say a Somali-based Islamic group may have carried out Thursday's twin attacks on Israeli targets in Mombasa. [BBC News | Front Page | UK Edition]

I'm sure the US would love to find (or invent) a connection to Somalia. That would give them an excuse to resume Clinton's failed attempt to conquer Somalia for the UN.
comment () trackback ()  5:39:34 PM    

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