Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
Computers, freedom, and anything else that comes to mind.

Friday, March 17, 2006

The man said it.... "The role of government is to provide good health care for our seniors. We made that commitment, interestingly enough, when Lyndon Baines Johnson was the President." President George W. Bush 15 March 2006... []

Just in case there's anyone out there still ignorant enough to believe that Bush is in any way conservative or right-wing.
10:57:34 AM    comment () trackback ()

Lawyer Who Blew Moussaoui Case on $120,000/Year Vacation. Even though it's really all the State's fault that they did not go to the FISA court and get permission to search Zacharias Moussaoui's computer until after the 9/11 attacks, it is true that he was in custody, had knowlege of at least some of the hijackers, and failed to give warning. For this the man should hang, but some stupid lawyer for the TSA had to screw all that up by sending detailed notes on how to testify to all the government witnesses in the sentencing.

She is now getting a... [ Blog]

Why exactly should he hang? If he had given warning, he would have been incriminating himself. It's illegal under the Fifth Amendment to require someone to incriminate himself.
10:23:19 AM    comment () trackback ()

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