Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
Computers, freedom, and anything else that comes to mind.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Another Suburban Virginia Police Killing.

The IHOP where this took place is just down the road from where I used to live. In fact, I've eaten there several times.

It appears that an off-duty cop working security at the IHOP chased down a group of teenagers who appeared to have walked out on their tab, though at least one report on the radio this morning says they in fact paid the tab, but had left money on the table instead of paying at the register.

The off-duty cop then ran out to the parking lot to confront the group, and jumped in front of the vehicle to stop them from getting away. What happened next is unclear, but it resulted in the officer firing 4-5 shots at the vehicle, one of which struck and killed 18-year old Aaron Brown, a passenger.

Hard to see how an unpaid tab would need to escalate to the use of deadly force.

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The cop in this case was just begging for trouble. Consider, for example: I routinely leave money on the table in restaurants. I have occasionally visited Virginia, and when I do so I carry a sidearm (my Florida concealed weapon permit is valid there). I'm a much better shot than the vast majority of cops. No doubt all of these things are also true for many Virginians.

It was really lucky for this cop, and unlucky for everyone else, that he didn't get himself killed when he started blazing away.
10:54:50 AM    comment () trackback ()

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