Tuesday, February 14, 2006
I'm finally moving from the Mac version of Radio to the Windows version. The experience is definitely reinforcing my impressions of UserLand's basic hostility to actual users.
7:24:12 PM
Whittington Has Heart Attack. Doctors in Texas say some of the birdshot that Vice President Cheney accidentally fired at a fellow hunter over... [Hit and Run]
So much for that silly "it's only a flesh wound" story. Once again we see an example of just how bad the Busheviks are at cover-ups.
I really don't see why they even bother at this point. I think it's been pretty well established by now that Cheney could set the Dalai Lama on fire on national television and nobody would even think of doing anything about it.
5:14:52 PM
Web vs. Paper. WashingtonPost.com is more interesting than the paper paper. For example, the website features the only non-worshipful White Palace correspondent, Dan Froomkin, But my favorite is William Arkin, who covers the national security state. Here he is on US psyops ability to create lifelike recordings of anyone saying anything. Hmmm. (Thanks to Sean Corrigan for the link.) By Lew Rockwell. [LewRockwell.com Blog]
Although the article doesn't make the connection, the implications for the various Osama bin Laden tapes are obvious.
4:52:11 PM
If You're Not a High State Official. In Oregon, a young man who accidently shot a fellow hunter in the arm was just sentenced to twenty days on the sheriff's road crew, two years of probation (and no hunting), and $865 in costs, for "misdemenor assault and... By Lew Rockwell. [LewRockwell.com Blog]
I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for Cheney to be sentenced to anything (or even charged).
4:49:01 PM
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Ken Hagler.
Last update:
3/1/2006; 10:35:22 AM.