Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
Computers, freedom, and anything else that comes to mind.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Kindergarten Class Trip Cancelled due to “Homeland Security Concerns”.

The kindergarten class at Lakewood’s (Ohio) Taft Elementary was planning a field trip to NASA Glenn Research Center. However, school principal Margaret Seibel says this year’s trip for Taft kindergarteners had to be canceled due to homeland security concerns.

Since new security regulations went into effect in May 1, 2005, access to the Visitor Center is restricted to United State citizens. Because twochildren in the kindergarten class are not U.S. citizens and are considered potential “terrorists,” the teacher had to cancel the trip.

So the “land of the free and the home of the brave” is afraid of foreign kindergarteners. Do you feel safer knowing that NASA Glenn Research Center is protected from 6-year-old “terrorists?”-Free Times [Police State USA]

I'll bet the Busheviks will claims this was was a "foiled terrorist attack."
10:16:34 AM    comment () trackback ()


There are two trucks parked outside the hotel from a company that provides a mobile espresso bar for film, television, and commercial shooting.

Next time someone tells you that computer games are bigger than the movies, think about this. How many people make a living from catering to game designers?

(Another clue: you can probably name 50 or 100 people, off the top of your head, who live off movies. Try it. Lauren Bacall. Alyson Hannigan. Deborah Winger. Stephen Spielberg. Roger Ebert. Leonard Nimoy. Joss Whedon. I don't really know anything about movies; you can do this standing on your head. Now, name 100 people in computer games. Name ten. )

[Mark Bernstein]

Of course this is a part of the reason why computer games are "bigger" (as in make more money) than movies. Game companies have very few prima donnas with gigantic egos (and salaries) and hordes of people catering to them--all that money goes into profit instead.
12:24:48 AM    comment () trackback ()

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