Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
Computers, freedom, and anything else that comes to mind.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Rikers Island Corrections Captain Arrested for Abusing Teenaged Inmates.

A correction captain at the infamous Rikers Island jail is accused of sexually abusing several teenaged inmates. The New York Department of Investigation says Dominick Labruzzi will be charged with endangering children, forcible touching, sex abuse and harassment and could face a year (my emphasis) in prison.

The captain is accused of taking the inmates, ranging in age from 16 to 19, to secluded areas and making them strip naked, fondling them, or asking them about oral sex on 10 occasions last December.

Rikers Island holds local offenders who are awaiting trial and cannot afford or cannot obtain bail, those serving sentences of one year or less, and those temporarily placed there pending transfer to another facility which does not have space. It’s possible that some of these young inmates were innocent of any crime, but simply could not make bail while awaiting trial. Nevertheless, Dominick Labruzzi punished them for being there by using his position of power to molest them. The American sheeple who bleat loudly whenever anyone criticizes law enforcement need to realize without that criticism there would be even more incidents like this. Fear of public criticism and exposure is the ONLY thing that keeps some of these thugs in check.

[Police State USA]

I've posted before on the connection between torturing prisoners in Iraq and the way prisoners in America are treated.
1:29:30 PM    comment () trackback ()

In yesterday's State of the Union piece, I suggested that The West Wing must not be very expensive to make, but Hal O'Brien wrote to say that in fact it is one of the most expensive shows. Every Senator's office cost $80K. Yow. Okay, I don't care about the sets. Put it on a stage in a high school auditorium. Make it a Sims scenario. It's the story, the characters, their brightness and integrity that I value. Sure it's nice that the sets look cool, but that's not what makes the show so great. [Scripting News]

I find it interesting that private enterprise can't even afford to duplicate a Senator's office, let alone the cost of what's done in one.
1:15:02 PM    comment () trackback ()

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