Some Good News. Although it should never have gotten this far in the first place.
Erie pain specialist Dr. Paul Heberle has been acquitted on 26 chages related to the prescribing of opioids.
This case happened to showcase some particularly nasty behavior by the prosecution, including seizing the medical records of patients and not returning them until they made statements against Dr. Heberle. After Heberle's arrest, five desperate pain patients apparently attempted suicide, and one succeeded.
Press release from the Pain Relief Network after the break. Continued reading Some Good News...
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While that is good news, I'm quite certain that the Feds will ban Dr. Heberle from writing prescriptions, thus ending his career and guaranteeing the suffering of his patients. Thus, even though they didn't put him in jail the Gestapo still wins in the end.
10:03:24 AM