Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
People should not fear their governments; governments should fear their people.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Tuscon, AZ, to Track 12,000 Children with RFID Tags.

The Arizona Daily Star reports that the Tucson School District have been testing a system called BusPass to keep track of elementary students during the school day.

Using a program similar to the Global Positioning System already in use in consumer and commercial vehicles, Gateway Communications Inc. has been testing the technology on three TUSD buses since January.

If the program is approved for a districtwide rollout in the fall, the company would give TUSD's 12,000 bus-riders from fifth grade down a plastic watchband, a small black box hooked to a belt loop or a key fob. The devices will let administrators, teachers and parents know when students get on a bus, when they get off, where they are at noon and when they're dropped off.

...In the future, those involved say the technology could evolve to the classroom and upper grades [my emphasis]. Teachers could even track their students' exact locations on campus, represented as dots on a computerized map.

Make no mistake about it: RFID tracking is intended to eventually be used on YOU. It starts with the National Animal Identification System, and then expands to include your pets. Your children will be tagged for their protection. Prisoners, parolees, and sex offenders will all be chipped. Then you're next. The excuse might be to control immigration or locate crime or accident victims, but, whatever it is, it's coming, MUCH sooner than you may think. Our lords and masters can hardly wait to brand us like the cattle that they think we are. -- Arizona Daily Star [Police State USA]

I agree. Even worse, when it happens virtually everyone in this country will cheer for it as a wonderful idea, and firmly believe that anyone refusing to be chipped is crazy.
10:47:51 AM    comment () trackback ()

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