Blogging To Oneself: Sound of One Hand Clapping
Blogging To Oneself: Sound of One Hand Clapping.
Blogging is an individual thing you do -- it is turning yourself into web pages. However, blogging is not something that is done in isolation of anyone else. When you construct posts each day, you are taking part in communicating with other bloggers. Communication is two way -- it is a conversation of sorts where you respond to other people, show other people websites you visit, and layout your opinion. There are many blogs on the net where people "blog to themselves" -- it is like "one hand clapping" -- it does not make much noise, nor is it noticed. Microdoc News takes one blog as an example and suggests ways to improve the blog to really take part in the online conversations of blogging. To really blog, participate in online communities. Want to have people read your blogs? Take part in a conversation!!
[Elwyn Jenkins: MicrodocBlogger]
5:30:13 AM