PMS - Personal Media Server
The following are my tonight's thoughts about the's PMS - Personal Media Server. For some reason I feel more comfortable tonight working through ideas here instead of the org's WIKI.
In the architecture there is a node in the design called the PMS. I like the key role the Personal Media server/node plays as it enables the owner or users of the media server to include their media message in the conversation happening on the web.
It's tasks seem pretty simple. Any user with an always on Broadband Internet connection and a web server can run one. I run one of these today for all my audio files. I been calling it for at least the last year the AudioBlogging Gateway.
It seems to me that it should be an easy task for me to tie an AudioBlogging Gateway into the Media Mesh that further feeds other servers and services.
One idea would be for the AudioBlogging Gateway to just ping the ping server with a link to the url of my new audio file and a link to a url of the xml file that has the last 10 audio posts describe in it. The xml serves as sorta of a mini snapshot of my online audio file store. Instead of me having to upload my audio file twice, this process would require the servers to do some of the work. ie. retrieve the new audio file and site's xml file from my media server. Parsing through the xml would deliver the supporting meta data (SAM specification) about the newly uploaded audio file to the media database.
10:09:19 PM