Updated: 3/20/04; 1:57:14 PM

blivet radio
The Radio weblog of Hal Rager

Wednesday, April 10, 2002

Heat or LIght

Rafé puts words around something that has remained just beyond my expression for some time when he comments on Pulitzer winner Thomas Friedman's interview on Charlie Rose last night: [blivet]
"Friedman made a great point about columnists in general. He said that columnists generally either deal in heat or light, and that most of the time, he tries to deal in light. When I was younger, I much preferred commentary that veered more toward the heat side of things. It was easier to let someone tell me how to think or appeal to my emotions rather than trying to collect and comprehend as many facts as possible to develop a refined view of a given situation. These days, people who try to sell me heat rather than light set off alarm bells in my brain instantly, regardless of where they come from on the ideological spectrum." [rc3.org]

11:07:51 PM    comment   trackback []  

This could be interesting...

Anomalies hint at magnetic pole flip. Strange variations in the Earth's magnetic field spotted in satellite data could be early signs of the poles swapping [New Scientist]
10:59:56 PM    comment   trackback []  

Pyramid 'was a water filter'

"A Canadian construction worker claims the Great Pyramid of Giza was built as a giant water filter to cope with an event on the scale of the Bible's Great Flood.

He told the Canoe website: "I'm in construction and read blueprints all the time. It caught me by surprise and I started to explore its potential. I was looking for evidence that would refute the theory, but instead I found evidence to support it.

"I decided to build a stainless steel replica scale model of the interior chambers of the Great Pyramid. What happens is in the subterranean chamber, if you introduce water and a heating element, you create vapour and have a perfect working water distillation system."

Mr Dupont, who is writing a book on his research, added: "Nobody, in my research, has looked into the Great Pyramid as a machine. It is a machine. I can get you a plumbing engineer, a steam engineer and a refrigeration engineer that will say this works." [Ananova: News]

OK then. I guess that settles it. </snide>
10:54:55 PM    comment   trackback []  

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