Tuesday, January 07, 2003

Raphael says that Zoe's XML-RPC interface is working just fine so any brokens must be on my end. I am unable to get the interface to work with the 0.3.4 release and cannot figure out why. From a client perspective how can I go about debugging a dropped connection from the server? I wonder if there is a way to determine if my login was successful or not? Probably a good starting place when I get a free block of time.
9:59:13 PM      

My first post from AIM! After struggling to get tcp.im set up in Radio last Summer, I gave up. I tried again today. Turns out that I just had the wrong port number configured (in tcp.im.buildinDrivers.aim.code.prefs.TOC_SERV_AUTH). Now I can update my work blog from home, from my cell phone, anywhere I can AIM. Thanks Eric !
2:03:04 PM