Updated: 2/4/2002; 11:26:10 AM.
Phil's Own Radio Weblog
Phillip Harrington trys out radio again.

Wednesday, January 16, 2002

OK! So I think I've decided to keep my radio web log (at least for the 28 remaining days) and my topic will be "Phil learns and demonstrates a new UserTalk method every day". I don't know a bit of UserTalk. Suggestions of fun methods/concepts to start with are welcome. Hell, send over a hard one and we can play "stump the intermediate programmer!" Fun for the whole family (of geeks)!
6:16:15 PM    

I put in a redirect from philsown.com/radio to here. Sorry about any previously miss-directed visitors.
6:13:28 PM    

6:02:32 PM    

I took my radio site off of the philsown.com server because the 550 errors in the event log were getting annoying and I think it won't sync multiple copies of the software if you're not on the community server. I hope this post updates my link on weblogs.com too ;-)
5:54:33 PM    

OK I'll be the first to admit that I've had issues with you and your software in the past (and present - still fumbling around with R8), but I just wanted to send send some positive notes your way (in addition to yesterday's email love) to counter act the recent bitching everyone has done about you editing posts, releasing radio, you in general, etc. (How do you cope with being such a target? I would die of stress!)
I love your Going Crazy With Macros series. I'm enjoying following along in my local copy of radio. I'm one of those "learn by doing" people who gets much more out of a tutorial than a manual when I'm first learning something. I like that you're introducing concepts in the context of an example that I can push live.
I'm like your cheering section now (even though I probably won't switch to R8, but I've backed up out of MT too so don't feel bad)
Keep the faith!

5:34:26 PM    

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