Updated: 2/4/2002; 11:26:11 AM.
Phil's Own Radio Weblog
Phillip Harrington trys out radio again.

Tuesday, January 29, 2002

I hasten to point out that my major in college (the first time) was music, not programming. So when I have stupid questions don't get upset with me.
6:35:12 PM    

Oh wait, but if you make an OS and sell software, say, a web browser, you can create a monopoloy for your software by making it the best since you have all of the API's. You can effectively shut a company's product out of your OS. Since yours is the dominant OS, you can control which companies stay and which go bye bye. No really I'm just now putting all of the pieces together. I'm slow on the uptake at times. Sue me I was bringing children into the world when this was going on! :-)

3:35:35 PM    

I have a question regarding this article from East Side Journal: Isn't it in Microsoft's best interest to make their API public? Why wouldn't they want scads of developers creating applications that play nice with Windows? They want to charge developers for access to the API? Explain this to me like I'm 4 years old, because I really don't get the logic.
3:26:06 PM    

Good morning people! Hope you all have a happy day!
10:56:33 AM    

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