davidkin hollywood
Tuesday, February 5, 2002 |
It's official. Radio 8 is evil. I'm staying up, posting in my own personal echo chamber, playing with all of its goodies, when I should be studying for my math test. comment 11:26:39 PM |
kuro5hin responded to the ONDCP Superbowl ads as well. I agree. Legalize it all. But you can't say that because it causes too many people's brains to completely shut you out. You have to chip away at all the little things, allow them to digest the elephant one morsel at a time. You have to get folks up close and personal so that they understand and appreciate the individual strokes, the strange blobs of color and darkness, and then slowly move them out so that they can see the whole picture. It's the same way with any learning process -- but few have been turned into a bigger boogeyman than Drugs. comment 10:53:22 PM |
John Dvorak asks "why Blog?" in a recent PC Magazine article. It's because there are a lot of freeware columnists out there. comment 5:15:05 PM |
The Los Angeles Times recently conducted a nationwide poll asking questions about Bush and the budget. A large majority of people think future rounds of tax cuts should not go through to the detriment of social security, even a 69% majority of Republicans. heh. 5% of all people polled attributed the return of the national budget deficit to Bill Clinton. And those answers were volunteered, not actually asked in the poll itself. comment 11:16:38 AM |
KCRW is in pledge week. ::sigh:: Support your local public radio station. So they don't have to do the damn pledge weeks. comment 10:01:22 AM |
I can see why the weblogging thing is so seductive. Within a day of posting my thoughts on the Superbowl ads, several hundred people had read them, all as a result of the flow generated by just a couple of (heavily trafficked) weblogs. More people read that than anything I've ever written. Which, frankly, is not really that much. :-) comment 12:31:48 AM |