davidkin hollywood
Tuesday, April 9, 2002 |
TIPS -- Know Thy NeighborHey, do you notice anything suspicious about your letter carrier recently? Is his grin a little bigger than it should be when he hands your brown-wrappered magazine? Well maybe you ought to report him to... wait! That's what they're supposed to do now. ::smack forehead:: Truckers and ship captains are instructed by the President to report "anything suspicious," to authorities. I'm actually curious to see what this does to the drug trade, and subsequently drug use in this country. And also on the number of arrests. And number of terrrarists thwarted. Millions, I'm sure. But, since it's root, root, root for "the homeland," if we don't win it's a shame. This is surreal.comment 9:04:22 PM |
Free Republic Invades Hollywood Okay, they didn't invade, but right-wing loonies did put up some flyers in my neighborhood. And it's so original, too. I mean, who would have ever thought of equating Democrats with Socialists? And why not Hitler, too? He was a socialist, right? Kinda? comment 9:16:52 AM |