Monday, April 22, 2002 |
My friend Dennis lives in a castle. Among the inhabitants of the castle are geese. I still need to figure out how to take a good low-light picture. Still objects are fine, but moving ones are hard.
1:45:08 PM
Deep Linking again
I've never been accused of lacking an opinion -- so here's mine, spurred by a Wired article on deep linking and the link from Dave Winer's Scripting news:
If you don't want to be deep-linked, don't post it on the World Wide Web. If that idea makes you uncomfortable, then this is not the medium for you. Try television. Or PDF. Or heck, make it "available" on the web, but obscure it with dynamic, visitor-unique URLs.
However, if it's up there, exposed in the ether, anybody should be able to point and say "hey look at that." The law may come down one way or another on this, but deep linking is the whole point of the world wide web. Suits opposing this behavior are class A examples of selfish behavior. "I want to play with your toys, but you can't play with mine." Pick 'em up and go home, 'cause you just don't belong here.
1:35:57 PM
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Last update: 8/8/02; 12:57:22 PM.