CSS Day 3
Exception Handling in J2EE Systems - Stephen Stelting, Sun Microsystems:
Bang up session, reminding all of us that Java exception handling strategies can impact productivity and reliability of applications. Reviewed Exception handling - what kinds of exceptions occur where and where should they be handled. Don't forget to notify the user in a meaningful way. Steve presented an overview of the J2EE architectual model (always a good idea). Discussed the common exceptions in the main J2EE APIs. The best part was the recommended strategies for exception handling.
Extreme Quality with Test First Design - Mike Bowler, Gargoyle Software
Introduction of testing subjects, frameworks, and best practices. Test First Design leads to higher quality as defined by low defect coutn, high maintainability, robust code base. One suggestion is to move to XHTML rather than HTML because you can use DTD's and Schemas to test the results in a response. Some other best practices include automating all tests, Design by Contract, Mock objects, Crash test dummy, and Collector patterns.
JSTL: The JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library - Mark Kolb, Security Broadband:
Discussed the various libraries present in the JSTL. Mark went though the Core Functions, Formatting, XML and mentioned Database operations. He explained the expression language operators. He discourages the use of the database tags since this moves data access into presentation.
Drawing Pictures with XML: A Detailed Introduction to SVG - Part 1 - Kelvin Lawrence, IBM:
Toured the basic tags and constructs in an SVG file. Many demos of concepts in the Adobe SVG Viewer plug-in for IE. What is striking is the small amount of XML required to illustrate most of the concepts. Also striking is the way SVG scales. The curves stay smooth even on text - very different from a bitmap.
Authoring JSP Custom Tags - Mark Kolb, Security Broadband
Mark explained custom tags, what they are, what they do, and why use them. He showed code for building custom tag handlers and explained the lifecycle and methods that have to be implemented. He showed the XML for the custom tag descriptor and presented some things to think about during design.
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