Denver November 2004 Election
Early voting starts tommorow. Vote early and vote often.
This should pretty much seal the deal for Ken Salazar. The Denver Post editorial staff endorsed him today. They write, "We urge Salazar's election. He has a vigorous and impressive background in public service and has proved his effectiveness in office time and again. He personifies Colorado characteristics of independence, common sense and fiscal moderation, and has the temperament to bridge the partisan divide that has led the current Congress to one impasse after another."
Barack Obama was in Denver stumping for Ken Salazar yesterday, according to the Denver Post [October 17, 2004, "Dems' rising star shines for Salazar"]. The Post quotes him as saying, "We are connected as a people. A senior who has to choose between making rent and buying medicine makes my life poor." Obama stole the show at last summer's Democratic National Convention.
The Denver Post is running an article with a lot of background on Ken Salazar and Pete Coors today [October 17, 2004, "Senate showdown"].
The Denver Post Perspective section is highlighting Referendum 4A (Fastracks). From the article, "Supporters believe that the FasTracks mix of rail and bus rapid transit will ease traffic congestion and development sprawl, ensuring economic vitality and protecting the area[base ']s quality of life. Opponents don[base ']t like the tax increase that would pay for the project, and they fear FasTracks[base '] price tag would preclude a future tax increase to fund necessary highway projects. A better road system, say opponents like Gov. Bill Owens, would do more than FasTracks to relieve traffic congestion, and at a fraction of the cost."
The Post is also endorsing Diana DeGette for 1st Congressional [October 17, 2004, "DeGette deserves 5th term"].
The Rocky Mountain News recaps their endorsements [October 17, 2004, "Other endorsements"]. They are also against FasTracks.
10:00:23 AM