Colorado Water
Aurora will probably raise water rates to pay for inprovements to the system, designed to mitigate the effects of drought, according to the Rocky Mountain News [December 22, 2004, "Aurora to consider hike in water rates"]. From the article, "Utility department leaders are asking the City Council to increase the average household's water rates by at least $4.47 a month to $63.86."
While the drought in Colorado seems to be lessening, the outlook for Montana and Wyoming is not as rosy, according to the Rocky Mountain News [December 22, 2004, "Report predicts further drought"]. From the article, "Drought conditions are expected to persist in much of Montana and part of Wyoming through the winter, a report says. The U.S. Seasonal Drought Outlook, released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Climate Prediction Center, also calls for limited improvement in parts of western and central Wyoming. The outlook is through March."
Here's the link for the U.S. Drought Monitor website.
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