2004 Presidential Election
Taegan Goddard "New state polls: Michigan: Kerry 47% Bush 43% (Survey USA); Connecticut: Kerry 46% Bush 36% (Quinnipiac); North Carolina Bush 48% Kerry 44% (Rasmussen); Virginia: Bush 47% Kerry 45% (Rasmussen); Pennsylvania: Bush 45% Kerry 44% (Rasmussen); Georgia: Bush 49% Kerry 32% (Insider Advantage).
Nationally Senator Kerry leads President Bush 48% to 46% (statistical tie) according to a recent American Research Group poll.
The Daily Kos has a rundown of state polls from Rasmussen Reports. Many of the polls are from March and April so...
Daily Kos: "The undecideds continue to shrink," and West Virginia - presidential poll.
Update: Here's a link to some recently released presidential polls from Political Wire. From the post, "Maine, Kerry 49% Bush 39% (Critical Insights), Washington, Kerry 49% Bush 44% (Survey USA), Minnesota, Kerry 48% Bush 43% (Rasmussen); Alabama, Bush 57% Kerry 36% (Rasmussen)."
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