Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Wall Street Journal: "Nearly a year before the first caucuses and primaries take place, the 2008 presidential campaign advertising war is under way online. Candidates of both parties are already buying space on search engines, blogs and other Internet sites popular with political junkies and potential donors. With 18 candidates vying for the most open race for the White House in 80 years and front-runners on both sides announcing plans to forgo public financing, the 2008 election promises to be a huge revenue opportunity, not just for TV broadcasters. 'There's a blog primary going on right now,' says Henry Copeland, founder of Blogads, a North Carolina-based advertising service which automates the process of placing ads on blogs in exchange for a 30% cut of the revenue."
Thanks to Ed Cone for the link.
"2008 pres"
6:58:06 PM

Say hello to Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. Welcome to the Blogosphere Ms. Pelosi.
Thanks to 2020 Hindsight for the link.
6:47:27 PM
The Right's Field: "The State Senate in California passed legislation that will speed up the date of the state primary from June to February 5. It is a move that, if passed as expected by the State Assembly and signed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, would significantly alter the primary campaign."
"2008 pres"
6:13:35 PM
Political Wire: "Sen. Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani 'have widened leads over their rivals in recent weeks as they began to openly campaign for the Democratic and Republican presidential nominations,' according to the USA Today/Gallup Poll. The survey shows Clinton with a 19 point edge over Sen. Barack Obama among Democrats and Giuliani with a 16-point margin over Sen. John McCain among Republicans. "
Political Wire: "Sen. Hillary Clinton is leading the pack of presidential hopefuls, according to a new Harris Interactive poll. The poll found that 20% of American adults would most likely vote for Clinton if they had to choose one candidate from a list of those who may run. Ten percent said they would vote for Sen. Barack Obama, 8% said they would choose Rudy Giuliani, 6% chose Sen. John McCain and 5% picked John Edwards."
"2008 pres"
7:11:26 AM
Non Prophet: "It is the same thing on a different day. The Bush administration is distorting evidence and spreading fear in order to bolster support for its policies. Using the administrations own logic we'd be complicit if some insurgents stole some of our explosives and used them. We deserve better than this. The world deserves better than this."
Josh Marshall: "al Sadr kickin' it in Tehran?"
Citizen Boo: "Unnamed, unofficial, informal and dubious officials have recently said that Muqtada Al-Sadr has fled Iraq to go to Iran. Whether Al-Sadr fled, or just simply traveled, is up for debate; although unofficials in the Pentagon have inferred through unreliable and anonymous sources that he fled to escape the Baghdad Security Forces and upcoming American Forces escalation. None of this has yet to substantiated, but Curveball is working on it."
"2008 pres"
7:04:23 AM

Here's an article about geothermal energy from the Montrose Daily Press. From the article, "The state is looking under every rock in the hopes of finding alternative energy and pockets of the earth's heat beneath the San Juan Mountains may hold some promise. The Governor's Office of Energy Management and Conservation and the Colorado Geological Survey have teamed to author a preliminary look at possible geothermal energy sources around the state that includes areas near Ouray and Rico. While Coloradoans have utilized some of the more easily tapped sources for hot springs or, as in Mosca, even an alligator farm, the state lags behind states such as California and Nevada in harnessing the earth's heat to generate electricity...
"For the past year the state has been collecting geologic data from previous attempts by private industry to find geothermal hot spots. Where possible they've also looked at old mining records and the results of oil and gas exploration. One test hole near Ouray suggests that the earth's temperature rises nearly 190 degrees Fahrenheit per kilometer of depth. A data point near Rico holds the potential for a slightly hotter gradient. While the technology required at some plants around the country require high-temperature waters of at least 347 degrees, recent technology would allow plants to use water with temperatures as low as 194 degrees, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Binary cycle plants take the lower temperature water to heat a hydrocarbon working fluid with a lower boiling point than water that could then power a turbine."
"2008 pres"
6:35:51 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 12:35:46 PM.