Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Josh Marshall: "So almost a 500 point drop on the Dow. And triggered by a selloff in China?"
"2008 pres"
6:55:21 PM
The Questionable Authority: "Conservapedia is symptomatic of the right wing's ever increasing reliance on what Stephen Colbert so famously called, 'truthiness.' It's the reliance on gut instinct over actual fact, combined with a willingness to mock and attack those who believe that we should make our way through the world based on facts and not beliefs."
"2008 pres"
6:35:49 PM
Washington Post: "When is $4 million really $2.8 million?
"One answer is 'When you're a woman,' as the Labor Department has repeatedly found that women earn about 75 cents for every dollar that men earn for the same work.
"But this week's answer is 'When you are the Office of Women's Health' within the Food and Drug Administration. That office, which was at the center of a politically damaging storm over the emergency contraceptive 'Plan B,' just had more than one-quarter of this year's $4 million operating budget quietly removed, insiders say."
The Gavel for the link.
"2008 pres"
6:29:55 PM
Colorado Confidential: "It started with a questionable broadcast and has evolved into a fight over rhetoric.
"Coloradans For Immigrant Rights (CFIR), an advocacy group that was started by the American Friends Service Committee, is calling on community members to contact Denver's Channel 7 News and encourage the station to stop using the term 'illegal immigrant.'"
"2008 pres"
6:15:05 PM
Oliver Willis: "Looks like it's Barack's world, we only live in it."
Captain's Quarters: "Rudy Giuliani, out to an early and somewhat surprising lead in the Republican presidential primary race, has begun addressing conservative groups to make his case for the nomination."
"2008 pres"
6:10:30 PM
Doc Searls: "Greenville Online: House backs free Web for all. That's the South Carolina house. Still, the idea is hardly what you'd call neutral: 'The idea is to leverage the state infrastructure and work with private Internet providers, Loftis said. A basic level of service would be free inside the state, but the providers would still charge fees for faster speeds.'"
"2008 pres"
6:04:46 PM
TPM Cafe: "A leading figure of the antiwar movement is warning that Congressional Dems are at risk of badly botching the public relations battle over Iraq and is urging Congressional Dems to move more aggressively to confront the Republicans in the political showdown over ending the war.
Captain's Quarters: "Democrats have delayed further consideration to restrict or cripple the Iraq war deployments, apparently stunned by the lack of cohesion among their own caucuses and fearful of the backlash their efforts might produce. Harry Reid has delayed the progress of a Joe Biden bill to revoke the 2002 AUMF, and Nancy Pelosi has started to distance herself from John Murtha"
"The antiwar leader, Tom Andrews, the head of Win Without War, made the comments in an interview with Election Central. His comments reflected what he said is a growing anxiety among antiwar leaders that Congressional Dems are so consumed with uniting their caucus that they're neglecting to articulate a forceful enough antiwar message and thus risk fumbling the current PR war."
Josh Marshall: "CNN headline: Democrats flail on Iraq while public stews."
Andrew Sullivan: "All that was needed was for the veep to be trapped by a snowstorm for one night for the enemy to act. It certainly helps justify the extraordinary secrecy the secret service deployed for the trips to Pakistan and Afghanistan; but it also helps justify mounting concern that we are losing traction in the war against the Talbian in the region."
Captain's Quarters: "The Taliban could not have done more to prove the US case to Pervez Musharraf. Cheney's presence during the attack will put even more pressure on the beleaguered Pakistani leader."
Josh Marshall: "I don't know if it all get lost in the flurry of news about the bombing in Afghanistan or the massacre in Iraq. But the White House's Iranian made weapons story seems to have collapsed. As Paul Kiel notes in this morning's Must Read, stories in today's Times and Journal detail a new raid on a makeshift weapons factory in southern Iraq. It turns out this makeshift factory in Iraq was making those super-IEDs that we were told could only be made in Iran. And the parts the Iraqis were using to make the bombs? Shipped from factories from around the Middle East, but not Iran.
"Oh well."
"2008 pres"
5:57:14 PM
Glenn Greenwald: "The reason our mission in Iraq has proven to be so disastrous and corrupt is very simple -- the advocates and architects of that war are completely corrupt, inept, and deceitful. Recognizing this fact and ceasing to accord people like this respect and credibility is infinitely more important than any specific debates over particular policy or strategic questions."
Thanks to Josh Marshall for the link.
"2008 pres"
6:33:09 AM
Andrew Sullivan: "It's waaaay early, but Zogby's new post-Geffen national poll gives Obama an edge over both McCain (44 percent for Obama/40 percent for McCain) and Giuliani (46/40), while Clinton loses to both by larger margins."
Political Wire: "A new national Zogby telephone poll finds Sen. Hillary Clinton leading the 2008 Democratic presidential race with 33% support, followed by Sen. Barack Obama at 25% and John Edwards at 12%. On the Republican side, Rudy Giuliani gets 29% support with Sen. John McCain at 20%."
"2008 pres"
6:28:44 AM
OpenCongress.org: "OpenCongress brings together official government data with news and blog coverage to give you the real story behind each bill." Thanks to beSpacific for the link.
"2008 pres"
6:26:49 AM

Western Slope officials are trying to estimate the impact of large scale oil shale operations on the water supply, according to the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel. From the article, "If private companies are pulling commercial-grade petroleum from Colorado, they might have to do it using more water than the Western Slope population now uses, one interpretation of data suggests. The Colorado River Basin Roundtable is trying to get a handle on the amount of water that could be needed for development of oil shale deposits in Colorado, the richest of which lie between the Colorado and Green rivers in the northwest corner of the state. A federal official has said that production of oil shale could begin by 2015 and at the most ambitious of estimates, could be pumping out 2.5 million barrels of petroleum a day by 2035. Based on Rand Corp. estimates that 100,000 barrels of oil a year require 23,500 acre-feet of water, oil shale could demand 365,000 acre-feet of water a year. That poses the question of whether Colorado has enough water to develop its oil shale reserves, said John Redifer, chairman of the Colorado Water Conservation Board, who lamented the uncertainty of any figures surrounding water use by oil shale."
"colorado water"
5:43:21 AM
Here's an opinion piece about the proposed western primary from the St. George Spectrum. From the article, "You don't get attention by whispering when you have the ability to shout. A fully-funded Utah presidential primary election would amplify Utah's voice at an estimated cost of $3.5 million. Though critics are leery about that expenditure, it would be money well spent and an investment that would help put the Beehive State's issues on the national agenda. Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr. is advocating for Utah to join the Western States Presidential Primary with New Mexico, Arizona, California and potentially Montana, Colorado, Nevada and Idaho, scheduled for Feb. 5, 2008. Joining those Western States would make sense and give Utah some leverage in bringing candidates and their entourages to campaign here, which will make an impact on the local economy with hotel stays and restaurant patronage."
"2008 pres"
5:31:44 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 12:38:52 PM.