Wringing Water from the Rocks.
Beth Conover started off the evening by introducing the sponsor Ken Wright.
First to speak was Peter Binney, Aurora's Director of Utilities. He's been real busy planning a way to increase supply to meet anticipated demand. We also got a bit of a history lesson on droughts on the Colorado River and the South Platte River.
The next speaker, Dr. Robert Raynolds hit the geological highlights. Most of the water for the big towns south of Highlands Ranch comes from the Arapahoe Aquifer. The problem is due to reduced volume of water and diminished reservoir pressure. They're going to run out.
Dr. Raynolds trotted out a cool 3D computer animation model of a part of the aquifer. He also used Electric logs, fossils, and aerial photos to tell the story. Coyote Gulch apologizes for missing the name of the woman that created the animation.
All in all the first installment was a treat. If you follow water issues closely tonight was mostly background you already know. Make a point to buy a ticket (or two) for the next 4 lectures, July 27th, August 16th, August 23rd and September 27th.
Category: Colorado Water
10:35:35 PM