Construction of the dam for the Animas-La Plata project started last week, according to the Denver Post [August 13, 2005, "A-LP dam's "promise" begins to take shape"]. From the article, "Just two miles south of town Friday morning, a big truck growled and whined its way across Ridges Basin and dumped the first load of clay where a dam will rise 275 feet to hold back the waters of the future Lake Nighthorse...More than 100 invited guests attended a celebration held by the Southern Ute and Ute Mountain Ute tribes to mark the start of construction of the A-LP's single biggest feature, the dam. It was a day decades in the making."
If you've been conserving water since the recent drought started you'll be happy to hear that Denver Water is planning to raise your rates to make up for a shortfall in revenues. Here's a story from the Rocky Mountain News [August 8, 2005, "8% water-rate hike may be floated"]. From the article, "Denver Water is eyeing an 8 percent rate increase for 2006 that's designed to help the agency cope with an ongoing, drought-related drop in revenue. The utility, the state's largest municipal water provider, enacted a similar rate increase for 2005 to help offset an $11 million cash shortfall. It has also cut $14.7 million from its budget and tapped its cash reserves, according to Finance Director David LaFrance."
Category: Colorado Water
10:59:22 AM