Friday, November 3, 2006

U.S. Newswire: "AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference (sm) and Exposition Nov. 5-9 at Convention Center. More than 1,300 water quality experts from throughout North America and beyond will explore the latest technology and practices for keeping drinking water safe at the American Water Works Association's Water Quality Technology ConferenceSM & Exposition (WQTC) at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver. The conference exhibit hall features close to 90 booths and more than 70 companies showcasing treatment technology, monitoring equipment, security improvements and other water quality innovations. Hot emerging issues to be examined include removing pharmaceuticals in water supplies, disinfection using ultraviolet light and ozone, membrane filtration and more. Attendees will include water quality specialists, water utility management, treatment plant managers, scientists, engineers, laboratory personnel and distributors...
"In addition to the more than 30 technical sessions throughout the conference, Colorado highlights will include: 9:30 - 10 a.m., Monday, Nov. 6: 'Colorado Water History & Law,' Justice Gregory J. Hobbs, Colorado Supreme Court (part of opening general session); 8:30 a.m. - noon, Wednesday, Nov. 8: 'Colorado issues with national implications': Hear a series of seven presentations on Colorado issues ranging from the effect of forest fires on water quality to estrogenic chemicals' effect on fish reproduction."
Coyote Gulch would recommend Justice Hobbs' lecture to any of you water nuts out there.
Category: Colorado Water
6:56:47 AM
The Denver Post is running an article comparing U.S. Congressman Bob Beauprez and Bill Ritter on some of the election issues. From the article, "Water. Neither Ritter nor Beauprez is opposed to building water-storage projects in Colorado. Both also say that cities should improve local water-conservation efforts. Unlike Beauprez, Ritter has said that global warming should be considered when setting future water policy. On the key issue of water supplies, Beauprez supported 2003's failed Referendum A, which would have provided for the construction of reservoirs and diversion of water from one river basin to another. Ritter said he voted against the measure."
Meanwhile the Denver Post looks at illegal immigration and it's effect on this year's gubernatorial contest. From the article, "While immigration has been a talking point for the gubernatorial hopefuls, several Latino leaders say there are more critical issues in Colorado to discuss.
"Immigration is being brought up so much (that it) is distracting and does not ... address real issues in Colorado, like people who don't have health care and students who are not graduating from high school," said Gabriela Flora of the American Friends Service Committee. During town halls and debates, Republican candidate Bob Beauprez has emphasized illegal immigration as a major issue in the state and has challenged his opponent, former Denver District Attorney Bill Ritter, over some of Ritter's plea agreements with illegal immigrants and over his support of in-state tuition for some children of illegal immigrants. If elected, Beauprez said he would push for tougher laws on employer verification and require proof of citizenship to vote. His plan for the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in the country is to send them back to their native countries and apply to return to the U.S. Beauprez calls this 'cleansing' the workforce."
"Ritter, a Democrat, says immigration is a federal issue and that he supports President Bush's plan for comprehensive immigration reform, which includes border security and a guest-worker program for illegal immigrants. 'I think immigration is a big issue, but I also think ensuring that our kids have access to quality K-12 education, and those who want to go to college have access. ... These are issues that need to be addressed by the next governor,' Ritter told The Post. Ritter has garnered support from many Latinos because of his stance on immigration, said Adrienne Benavidez, executive director of Color of Justice, a legal and policy advocacy center for communities of color. 'I think he understands immigration is truly a federal issue and even though it's a very disproportionate burden with respect to some costs, the way to correct that is by getting the federal government to sit down at the table,' she said."
Category: Denver November 2006 Election
6:42:51 AM

The Lower Arkansas Water Conservancy District held a workshop on drip irrigation Thursday, according to the Pueblo Chieftain. From the article, "While drip irrigation can increase efficiency for farmers, it is susceptible to damage from insects, rodents and even poor management...
"Drip irrigation is one way to do that, Singletary said. He said it could increase farm productivity, while improving water quality by reducing excess chemical use and improving water supply. At the same time, return flows need to be protected. Singletary said the Colorado Department of Water Resources needs to work with farmers to calculate how efficiencies will be accounted for...
"Water use for drip irrigation systems is 50-70 percent less than flood irrigation and 20-35 percent less than center-pivot sprinklers, because of reduced runoff and evaporation, Windscheffel said. Yields are 10 to 50 percent better, on average, he said. He qualified the statements by noting that the type of crop, growing conditions and water quality all play a part. The biggest advantage is the frequency of watering, which can be every day, rather than every five days, he said. Systems are designed to operate at low pressure, with filters that remove solid particles and pumps that inject chemicals or fertilizers directly to the root zone. There also is flexibility in placing permanent drip lines, made of thick, durable plastic, 8 to 18 inches underground or less costly lines 1 to 6 inches deep that can be removed after one or two growing seasons...
"Installing the system, particularly permanent placement, is important. Sosebee showed slides of fields where drip lines were slightly askew of planted rows, and created uneven crop patterns as a result. He recommended using global positioning systems to ensure drip lines and rows match."
Category: Colorado Water
6:36:11 AM
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John Orr.
Last update:
12/29/06; 12:23:28 PM.