The Pueblo Chieftain keeps an eye on water issues across the state and an especially close watch on events and plans for the Arkansas River Basin. They're also fair, giving opposing voices a chance to be heard. From an opinion piece, written by Dennis Ellis, executive director of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, running today, "In Tuesday's editorial, the Chieftain proclaimed that Pueblo District Attorney Bill Thiebaut and lawyer John Barth had 'blown the whistle' on the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment - as if the department had committed some foul. That is not the case. If this were the National Football League, the officials would reverse the call. There is no evidence to substantiate a claim that there was any foul on the part of the state. The state has rigorously applied its enforcement policies to all violations reported by Colorado Springs Utilities, just as it would any other violator. In its editorial, the Chieftain pretends that the state has excluded the Pueblo district attorney from some rightful place at the table in the state's enforcement actions on the Colorado Springs Utilities for its spills into Fountain Creek. Not so. In fact, Pueblo's participation during recent public comment periods concerning past Colorado Springs Utilities' spills resulted in modifications to the department's enforcement orders. And while the district attorney has brought federal litigation over this matter, the state is not a party to the suit. The federal lawsuit, however, does not suspend the Department of Public Health and Environment's responsibility to pursue its well-established regulatory process concerning evaluation and enforcement of illegal water discharges. The claim that the Pueblo district attorney has been excluded from the discussion is just plain wrong."
Here's the link to the Coyote Gulch post about the Pueblo D.A. Thiebaut's complaint.
Category: Colorado Water
6:16:22 AM