Friday, December 15, 2006

Here's an update about the attempt to create a Super Ditch in southeastern Colorado, from the Pueblo Chieftain. They write, "A water management plan nicknamed 'Super Ditch' is getting a favorable reception in the Arkansas Valley, its sponsors say. Lower Arkansas Valley Water Conservation District staff and board members have attended several meetings of ditch company shareholders in the past week and have outlined the concept of the program...
"The Lower Ark board wants to set up a district that would lease water to users by fallowing a percentage of farms. The plan is designed to provide for equitable pricing of water, more access to leases by more farmers and keep water rights in the valley by easing the pressure to sell."
More Coyote Gulch coverage here.
Category: Colorado Water
6:50:13 AM

Xcel and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory are showing off their latest collaboration, according to the Denver Business Journal. From the article, "Xcel Energy Inc. and the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory on Thursday showed a unique facility that uses electricity from wind turbines to produce and store pure hydrogen, offering what may become an important new template for future energy production...
"The facility links two wind turbines to devices called electrolyzers, which pass the wind-generated electricity through water to split the liquid into hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen can be stored and used later to generate electricity from either an internal combustion engine turning a generator or from a fuel cell. In either case, there are no harmful emissions, and the only by-product from using the hydrogen fuel is water."
More coverage from the Rocky Mountain News.
Category: 2008 Presidential Election
6:37:30 AM

Colorado counties can regulate oil and gas development under a recent ruling by the Colorado Court of Appeals, according to the Denver Post. From the article, "According to attorneys for Gunnison County, the unanimous opinion will enable counties to make sure that oil and gas exploration doesn't adversely affect wildlife, water quality, livestock and recreation. The lawyers added that the ruling enables the counties to regulate oil and gas exploration on federal lands within their counties...
"Deputy Attorney General Casey Shpall, whose office represented the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, downplayed the impact. Shpall said that courts will have to determine if there is a conflict between county and state regulations."
Category: Colorado Water
6:30:30 AM

From the Seattle Times: "[Historian Patricia Nelson Limerick] and others said in the 1990s that the New West was shedding its slavish reliance on mining, logging, ranching and dams. They prophesied that it would become a region where the economy, politics and popular culture were dominated by urban people who went outdoors not to chop down trees, punch cows or pour concrete but to recreate, appreciate and preserve. That prophecy proved premature. Working-class indignation exploded in the Interior West against environmentalists, Democrats and outside agitators, stalling efforts by the Clinton administration to rewrite grazing, mining and forestry laws. Republicans shrewdly harnessed the populist anger and consolidated political control, and in 2000 they began an aggressive push for oil, gas and mineral extraction on public land. Last month's elections, though, may signal the end of Republican dominance and fierce resistance to many conservation measures. Profound demographic and economic change seems finally to be asserting itself across the region. Westerners cast votes suggesting that the protection of their natural surroundings is not negotiable."
Category: 2008 Presidential Election
6:23:24 AM
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John Orr.
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