Colorado Water
Dazed and confused coverage of water issues in Colorado

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Friday, December 29, 2006

A picture named ohbejoyfulslatecreek.jpg

Western State College: "After 31 years of annual Colorado Water Workshop conferences in late July, 2007 will see a change with a move to May 22-24 in the College Union building. Workshop director Pete Lavigne notes that the move will make it easier for Western students and faculty to participate, and will bring the workshop's economic impact to Gunnison at a slow time of year when local hotels and restaurants can easily absorb the 200 plus visitors to town."

Thanks to DARCA for the link.

Category: Colorado Water

7:06:09 AM    

A picture named watertreatment.jpg

Denver has been hit by another snowstorm. Looking out here at Gulch Manor there is zero traffic at this time. We're not sure how much new snow we've received so far and it's still snowing lightly. We'll be out taking photos and checking out the neighborhood later, after it gets light and we dig out a bit.

The response this week is better organized than last week. The volume of snow is much smaller. Lots of flights cancelled at DIA though. Most government offices are closed. These storms are a great start for re-charging moisture in the soil for next summer's growing season.

Category: Colorado Water

6:02:00 AM    

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