Thursday, December 21, 2006

We're digging out here in Denver. Lots of traffic on the main drags. They're fine. Denver Public Works, RTD, CDOT and a few private operators like Regis University are the heroes of the day. Up here on Berkeley Hill once you get to one of the thoroughfares it's pretty much clear sailing, except for no place to park most everywhere you go.
Safeway and Kings were open earlier. You can get gas at 7-11 at I-70 and Pecos. Sheridan, Tennyson, Lowell, Federal, W. 52nd, W. 50th, W. 46th, W. 44th, and W. 38th are all moving well, as is I-70.
Category: Colorado Water
12:53:07 PM

It's getting light out now so we're heading out soon for some photos of the neighborhood. Meanwhile, click on the thumbnail for the current satellite picture of the storm.
Category: Colorado Water
7:24:38 AM

The Paddling Instructor News online is running an article about American Whitewater's recruitment of paddlers to join Colorado's Water Roundtables to represent the industry. From the article, "SWSI Phase II created the Interbasin Compact Committee (IBCC) was created. The IBCC organizes nine additional roundtables to meet and negotiate diverting water between basins. Critical decisions will be made within these roundtables that will determine whether many rivers and streams in Colorado have sufficient flows for paddling and other river recreation, fish, wildlife, local economic benefits, and municipal needs. Currently the paddling community is unrepresented or underrepresented on these roundtables. American Whitewater is seeking paddlers willing to thoughtfully represent the paddling community and AW on these roudtables."
Category: Colorado Water
6:41:56 AM

The Montrose Daily Press has more details about the feds possible appeal of the recent decision on stream flow in Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park. From the article, "The federal government reserved its right Monday to appeal a U.S. District Court ruling that set aside a settlement in a water rights dispute involving the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park. While not an actual appeal, the notice to the U.S. District Court for Colorado reserves the federal government's right to appeal a decision by federal district court judge in September to set aside a 2003 agreement between the state of Colorado and the U.S. Department of the Interior. The 2003 agreement would have given the national park a priority date of 2003 and pegged its base flows at roughly 300 cubic feet per second through the park. The High Country Citizens' Alliance, Trout Unlimited and the Western Colorado Congress along with several other groups sued the federal government over the 2003 agreement. Wyoming District Court Judge Clarence Brimmer ruled that the federal government had unlawfully delegated responsibility to the state in striking the agreement. He also held that the federal government had unlawfully disposed of federal property without Congressional authorization."
Category: Colorado Water
6:28:56 AM
It looks like Coyote Gulch will have the day off work, at least as far as the usual day job. Looking out this morning there are two to three foot drifts in front of our garage. We're thinking that moving enough snow to get the Jeep out will be a lot of work in it's own right.
We measured 20 inches of snow on the south side of the house last night, and it kept snowing and blowing most of the night. We're in North Denver near Regis University. At this time there is zero vehicle traffic.
6:18:32 AM
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John Orr.
Last update:
1/1/07; 11:44:45 AM.