The Colorado Springs City Council can't stay out of the news. Yesterday they held a closed session as the Utility Council to discuss bringing in other communities to the Southern Delivery System, according to the Colorado Springs Gazette. From the article, "Colorado Springs, attempting to drum up support for its $1 billion pipeline project, may consider delivering water to areas outside city limits. City Council members, meeting as the Utility Board, reportedly went behind closed doors Friday to discuss whether to participate with more outsiders on the Southern Delivery System. The topic was revealed by Councilman Tom Gallagher, who has sparred with others on the council lately over whether his connection with developers constitutes a conflict of interest...
"A source familiar with the issue said discussion didn't center on providing water but rather transporting water owned by others. The city has done so in the past, such as sharing a pipeline with Fountain. A collection of towns and water districts to the east and north of Colorado Springs has long sought acquisition of surface water rights and has appealed to the city to be included in discussions of the $1 billion Pueblo Reservoir expansion. The idea is that a coalition of small entities in northern El Paso County could buy rights to water that could be stored in Pueblo Reservoir, then pumped through the system planned by Colorado Springs...
"The idea of Colorado Springs Utilities widening its reach would be a major policy shift at a time when the city is struggling to provide water to its existing customers and expected growth through 2046. The preferred solution is to pipe water from the Pueblo Reservoir, but Pueblo officials have opposed that and the city is awaiting a decision by the Bureau of Reclamation."
Category: Colorado Water
7:32:39 AM