Sunday, December 31, 2006

Russell George is hoping to stay at the Department of Natural Resources under Bill Ritter, according to the CBS4 Denver. He also has recommended that the new governor split out the job of leading the Interbasin Compact Committee. From the article, "Former state House Speaker Russell George, a Republican who now serves as executive director of the state Department of Natural Resources, said he has applied for the same job under Ritter -- a Democrat. The Rifle resident said he also has applied to be interbasin compact director, a position that deals with water issues among the states' river basins. George had taken on the duties of that job in his role as department director, but he has recommended to Ritter's transition team that the jobs be split...
"The agency oversees oil and gas development, mining, wildlife, water and parks. Houpt has long called for better protection for Western Slope residents whose property is affected by natural gas drilling and exploration."
Update: Leslie Robinson (via Colorado Confidential) asks, referring to Russell George, "Would you pass this gentleman's resume by?"
Category: Colorado Water
6:58:17 AM

On Friday the Interior Department granted leases for oil shale extraction experiments to three companies, Shell, Chevron and EGL Resources, according to the Fort Collins Coloradoan. From the article, "The companies must submit detailed development plans, monitor groundwater, and obtain all required permits to protect air and water quality, the department said last month in approving the projects, which could begin as early as the summer. Since 1996, Shell has tested procedures on private land in western Colorado that involve baking shale rock in the ground with electric heating rods, then pumping the melted oil to the surface. Circulating refrigerants through underground pipes to freeze adjacent areas would keep groundwater away from the melted oil. The Bureau of Land Management declared the projects would have no significant environmental impact. But state officials and environmentalists voiced concerns about threats to air and water, and said there was a lack of information on the kinds of substances released by the extraction process."
Category: 2008 Presidential Election
6:39:46 AM
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1/1/07; 11:46:21 AM.