Denver November 2006 Election
Bob Beauprez formed an explatory committee on Tuesday with an eye toward Bill Owens' job, according to the Denver Post [March 16, 2005, "Beauprez eyes governor's seat"]. From the article, "Beauprez, 56, is a former dairy farmer and banker who raised millions between 1999 and 2002 as Colorado's Republican chairman, appealing both to the party's right wing and moderate factions. Having never served in elected office, he ran in 2002 for Colorado's new 7th Congressional District, which spans from urban parts of Jefferson County to rural, eastern Adams County and is considered one of the most competitive in the country. After a five-week recount, Beauprez edged out Feeley by 121 votes in the closest race in the nation that year."
Here's the coverage from the Rocky Mountain News [March 16, 2005, "Beauprez weighs running"].
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