Denver November 2006 Election
Dazed and confused coverage of the Denver November 2006 Election


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  Thursday, March 24, 2005

Denver November 2006 Election

Here's an opinion piece from the Denver Post editorial staff about the governor's race [March 24, 2004, "Everybody for governor?"]. They write, "Only a year ago, prominent politicians scattered like bugs when Colorado suddenly had an open U.S. Senate seat. Now, 19 months before the gubernatorial election, it seems everyone wants to run for governor. With a state budget fix in the works, maybe the job has become more appealing. Democrats, fresh off their statehouse victories last fall, now want one of their own in the governor's mansion. Republicans, still smarting from last fall's elections, want veto power if Democrats continue to hold the legislature. (Gov. Bill Owens is a lame duck.)"

Here's an article about Scott McInnis' potential run for governor from the Cortez Journal. From the article, "Three Republicans have already announced their plans for a campaign to succeed term-limited Gov. Bill Owens in 2006. But a popular choice among some Western Slope party faithful is former 3rd District Rep. Scott McInnis, R-Grand Junction."
6:33:18 AM    comment []

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