Denver November 2006 Election
Dazed and confused coverage of the Denver November 2006 Election


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  Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Denver November 2006 Election

From today's Denver Post, "Likely Democratic gubernatorial candidate Rutt Bridges has hired U.S. Rep. John Salazar's campaign director, Jim Merlino. 'He's a personal consultant advising me on the viability of a run for governor,' said Bridges, who embarks on a six-week tour of Colorado next week before deciding whether to announce for the 2006 election. Former AFL-CIO political director Tyler Chafee is taking a leave from Bridges' Denver- based Bighorn Center for Public Policy to advise Bridges on a possible campaign."

Here's an article from the Denver Post about the governor's race, [March 22, 2005, "McInnis: 'It would be an honor" to be governor'"]. From the article, "University of Denver President Marc Holtzman has said he will run for Colorado governor next year, though he's held off making a formal announcement. State Treasurer Mike Coffman, and Rep. Bob Beauprez are also potential Republican candidates."

"Potential Democratic candidates include millionaire Rutt Bridges, former Denver District Attorney Bill Ritter and former Lt. Gov. Gail Schoettler, who narrowly lost to Owens in 1998."

Update: Colorado Luis: "You may wonder why so many people are hot on the idea of Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper running for governor as a Democrat.  Doesn't the rest of Colorado hate Denver and its big city liberals?  Well, there is a simple reason:  The man has a 92% approval rating.  Even a push poll conducted by opponents of his plan for a new jail and justice center showed 69% of Denver residents think he has the city going in the right direction."

The Colorado Pols love my boss.

Coyote Gulch thinks the mayor would also do well in Montezuma County. The tri-small towns of Dolores, Mancos and Cortez can't deliver many votes though. There's only about 24,000 people in the whole county. It's always been dry there.
6:14:05 AM    comment []

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