Denver November 2006 Election
Dazed and confused coverage of the Denver November 2006 Election


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  Sunday, March 20, 2005

Denver November 2006 Election

The state Republican party elected new leadership yesterday according to the Colorado Pols. They write, "The Colorado Republican Party held its reorganization vote today, electing former national committeeman Bob Martinez as its new chair and former Congressman Bob Schaffer as its new national committeeman. Martinez replaces former chairman Ted Halaby. The day was not without its fireworks, however. Former Ambassador and frequent congressional candidate Sam Zakhem challenged Schaffer for the national committee post, saying Schaffer shouldn't represent the party after what he did to thwart the re-election of Republican Ramey Johnson. Last fall, Schaffer headed a group that spent money on mailers against Johnson because she had previously voted against school vouchers; the mailer may have cost Johnson the election, since she lost to Democrat Gwyn Green by just a handful of votes."
7:30:46 AM    comment []

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