Denver November 2006 Election
Dazed and confused coverage of the Denver November 2006 Election


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  Thursday, June 2, 2005

Here's the link to Rutt Bridges' website. Bridges has announced that he is making a run at governor. A Curious Stranger likes the candidate but is still hoping that Mayor Hickenlooper will run.

Check out the audio Common Sense Solutions in .mp3 format. Nice touch. Mr. Bridges, you show an inclusive attitude by using a common file format that runs on most operating systems.

The website has a nice quick signup for email. Remember, the Gulchie email rule: "Use email to inform and update, not just to recruit volunteers and ask for dough."

Visitors can get a portrait photo here.

Mr. Bridges, where is your weblog? Coyote Gulch will help you get started, free of charge. You'll need $40 for Radio Userland and $2,500 or so for a PowerBook. Send me email at

Category: Denver November 2006 Election.
6:04:55 PM    comment []

Democrat Rutt Bridges officially launched his campaign for governor yesterday, according to the Denver Post [June 2, 2005, "Democrat Bridges a candidate for governor"]. From the article, "Democratic entrepreneur Rutt Bridges launched his campaign for governor Wednesday during a private, semi-formal soiree at his Cherry Hills Village home. Bridges plans to file his campaign paperwork this morning...Last year, Bridges spent 10 days seeking the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate, then bowed out to make way for state Attorney General Ken Salazar, who won the seat."

Colorado Pols: "We're happy to bring you another Q&A where your politicians answer your questions. Today we have with us State Senator and possible attorney general candidate Dan Grossman."

Category: Denver November 2006 Election
6:41:22 AM    comment []

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Last update: 9/8/05; 10:53:48 PM.

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