Wednesday, June 8, 2005
Colorado Pols: "Earlier this week we discussed some of the jockeying taking place for State Senator Dan Grossman's seat, should he leave to run for attorney general. We can now add a few more names to the list. Josh Hanfling is indeed considering making a run, either as a Republican or an Independent, and former City Councilman Ted Hackworth is also being courted because he always ran well in Southwest Denver. Add those names to Jennifer Mello, Fran Coleman, and Beth McCann -- plus the possible entry of JW Postal, the DNC member who just moved into the district, as well as Mello's co-worker at the Bighorn Institute, Mark Cavanaugh."
Category: Denver November 2006 Election
6:19:20 PM
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Last update: 4/28/06; 7:35:42 PM.