Here's the list of all Denver vote centers from DenverGov. Thanks to the Wash Park Prophet for the link.
Now to the Gulchie Awards. Gulchies were first awarded in the 2003 Denver Municipal election, here's the link from that day containing an explanation of selection crieria. Many campaigns included a weblog this year and most showed an inclusive attitude by posting video in multiple formats (or just YouTube) so that voters running Macintosh, UNIX and Linux computers could share in the bounty. Email remains the major technology used by all campaigns and each has learned the value of having a tip jar prominently displayed on the website. Thanks to all of our readers that submitted nominations.
Somehow Coyote Gulch and our readers have picked a straight ticket of Democrats for this election's Gulchies. That may turn out to be a bellwether of today's elections across the country. Democrats are poised to make big gains nationally and in Colorado. We'll know more later tonight of course, after the only poll that really matters. If you're religious ask for divine help for all the county officials in charge of counting the votes. 
First up is Bill Ritter. Of course he had the most dough to spend but aside from that the Ritter campaign kept us up to date with frequent emails and blog posts. They used the weblog to communicate short messages, in many cases just a line or two, letting us know where they were in Colorado, who they were howling with and who was lining up to support them. They also countered some negative bits from the opposition in more detail.
Ken Gordon and his campaign integrated their website into the campaign from the start. Frequent emails kept us informed. We really liked his use of video. The campaign used the first iteration of the "Sharks" ad as a fundraising tool to get dough to run on TV.
Fern O'Brien gets the Gulchie in the attorney general's race. Again frequent communications to the faithful and the interested put her campaign over the top.
Now to newcomer Cary Kennedy. While she has been around Colorado elections for a while she had a big mountain to climb in order to raise dough and amass some name recognition. Her website is easy to navigate with important bits easy to find (i.e. tip jar and news). The design is soft on the eyes and efficient, not over-marketing the candidate. She also used YouTube for inexpensive distribution of video.
Steve Ludwig gets the Gulchie in the C.U. Regent-At-Large race. He had to largely rely on the web to get out his message, since regent races are very low budget concerns. He did some great ads. The grassroots side of Coyote Gulch also commends Mr. Ludwig for traveling the entire state, meeting with everyone and anyone that was interested.
Congratulations to the winners of the Gulchie Awards.
Category: Denver November 2006 Election
7:21:13 AM