Denver November 2006 Election
Dazed and confused coverage of the Denver November 2006 Election


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  Thursday, November 16, 2006

Here's a nice graphical analysis (with the numbers) from the New York Times. Thanks to Josh Marshall for the link.

Category: 2008 Presidential Election

6:27:19 AM    

Bull Moose: "For the past forty years, conservatism was in the ascendancy. Just a couple of years ago, it had a certain self-confident swagger. Hubris was its only threat. In 2000, conservatism reached its zenith. The right had a President that was viewed as Reagan plus. Conservative leaders controlled the Legislation and Executive Branches. The entire 'Leave us Alone' crowd was riding high in the saddle.

"And now, conservatives are wondering how they were so resoundingly rejected not by the elites, but by the masses. They have been left alone.

"Social security privatization went nowhere. The Schiavo episode was a disaster. The public has no great appetite for more tax cuts. A conservative-led Congress and President greatly expanded the welfare state. The disillusionment with this Administration is now profound. The right even sympathizes with the hapless Rumsfeld.

"The Moose is not suggesting that conservatism is in disrepute. It has not reached the state of liberalism in which actual adherents of that view fear to attach that label to themselves. However, there is no doubt that the right faces a crisis of confidence that is usually associated with the left."

Category: 2008 Presidential Election

6:23:36 AM    

We're still waiting for the Denver County results to determine if Steve Ludwig or Brian Davidson will be the next C.U. Regent-At-Large. Referred Question 1A is still in limbo also, according to the Rocky Mountain News. From the article, "After an eight-day, problem- plagued vote tally, Denver had counted all but a few dozen absentee ballots Wednesday, yet the city preschool sales tax measure and a CU regent race remained too close to call. That's because the Denver Election Commission has to count about 3,000 provisional ballots, said commission spokesman Alton Dillard...

"Yes votes for Measure 1A, the preschool tax that would add 12 cents to the cost of a $100 purchase to generate $12 million in annual revenue, had a 1,709-vote lead. But the provisional ballots could still tip the balance.

Stephen Ludwig, the Democratic candidate for the University of Colorado Board of Regents, was helped in a tight battle by garnering 59,389 more votes than Republican Brian Davidson in heavily Democratic Denver. But Ludwig said his rough statewide tally shows him with a lead of just a few thousand votes that could be eroded after all the provisional ballots are counted. 'I'm really sweating it,' said Ludwig, who fears the Election Day voting debacle in Denver could make the difference, because thousands of voters walked away from the long lines, presumably the majority of them Democratic voters. 'If I wind up losing when all the provisional ballots come in, it's clear that Denver's fiasco likely cost me the race,' he said."

Category: Denver November 2006 Election

6:13:24 AM    

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