Denver November 2006 Election
Dazed and confused coverage of the Denver November 2006 Election


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  Saturday, November 11, 2006

It looks Denver County plans to finish counting votes this morning, according to the Denver Post. From the article, "Secretary of state Democratic candidate Ken Gordon plans to have a poll watcher on hand when provisional ballots are counted by the Denver Election Commission on Saturday. Gordon is running about 32,000 votes behind the Republican candidate, Mike Coffman, with about 67,000 votes yet to count statewide. Of those, the Denver Election Commission has about 25,000 absentee ballots yet to count, with another 3,000 provisional ballots. Many of the provisional ballots were handed out to people delayed in long lines on Tuesday's election night, so they could still cast their vote. Gordon said he wants to have a poll watcher on hand to monitor the provisional ballots because they could be subject to challenges by the Republican Party. Gordon said the absentee ballots are less likely to prompt challenges, and he isn't making plans to monitor their counting. Coffman's campaign said it also is making arrangements to monitor the election commission on Saturday. The poll watchers must be designated by the candidates' political parties."

The Denver Election Commission is still showing incomplete absentee vote as of 8:45 a.m.

Here's the counting news statewide from the Denver Post.

Category: Denver November 2006 Election

8:47:17 AM    

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Last update: 12/2/06; 8:01:56 AM.

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