Updated: 4/6/03; 8:55:26 AM. |
On Deciding . . . Better log A news page for the philosophical action site, "On Deciding . . . Better" Somehow, I did this.
A story
Here's how. I wrote an outline the usual way in the Radio Userland App and saved it as an opml file (outline format) in the stories folder.
In the Folder link at the top of the Desktop Home page, there I found the stories folder and the link to the rendered outline.
But I see that the path is straighforward: http://radio.weblogs.com/0101212/stories/test.html
So I get it.
I can put text or opml in the www folder and have it rendered and upstreamed to the corresponding server folder. I can put html in and get that served too.
10:44:59 PM