Updated: 4/6/03; 8:55:28 AM. |
On Deciding . . . Better log A news page for the philosophical action site, "On Deciding . . . Better" Welcome: "This is an experiment."
Here's a first attempt at building a static weblog using Radio. The page is an outline, OPML, written in Radio. The template is a quick mod of ODBlog. 11:09:23 PM Today I managed to connect both to the Apache server and ODBlog over the net from work. With IE for Windows, I get a nice HTML menu set in the editing area. Here on OS X, I get nothing. It's easier to write in BBEdit or the Radio Userland outliner for posting if I want to add even simple HTML. 9:58:42 PM
![]() I've added reciprocal links between this log and On Deciding . . . Better over in the Navigation link list. 9:55:50 PM
![]() Evectors: "If you want to change your Radio weblog theme today, you need to know html and understand the basics of Radio macros. With remoteEdit you simply click on a button and edit your theme using Front Page (or any other wysiwyg editor), drag things around, change layout, styles and colors in the familiar visual way of these tools. You click one more button and your blog is updated."
This is quite a concept, although WYSIWYG HTML editors for the Mac have been slowly disappearing or rising in price. I still use the old standby method of capturing the HTML of pages I like and poking around the code with my rudimentary knowlege. With the Userland tools, all I need is a decent template. 9:46:45 PM Beowolf is working on Radio themes. Asking for feedback.
I've made a few changes, making the type size a bit smaller for the page header. Userland themes have tended to take up too much valuable real estate at the top of the page. Also I changed the title to right justify. 9:24:17 PM