Updated: 5/6/02; 10:19:39 AM.
there is no spoon
there's a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path

Tuesday, April 2, 2002

hey, that really hurts: Into the Buzzsaw: Leading Journalists Expose the Myth of a Free Press is a new book about what happens when journalists try to do their jobs. The book's editor, ex-CBS producer Kristina Borjesson, describes the "buzzsaw" as:

what can rip through you when you try to investigate or expose anything this country's large institutions -- be they corporate or government -- want to keep under wraps. The system fights back with official lies, disinformation, and stonewalling. Your phone starts acting funny. Strange people call you at strange hours to give you strange information. The FBI calls you. Your car is broken into and the thief takes your computer and your reporter's notebook and leaves everything else behind ... The sense of fear and paranoia is, at times, overwhelming.

Sounds like "hard-hitting journalism" has gained a whole new meaning. And we wonder why good investigative reporting is so hard to find.... [via AlterNet]  8:46:41 PM      comment

worse than it appears: Public education was orginally conceived as a way to make good citizens -- people need to learn how to read, write, and think analytically in order to participate in their own governance. However, public education in the U.S. has devolved into a kind of programing to make good consumers, while the citizenship training has been reduced to programmed patriotism. Now it's getting worse:

State lawmakers around the country have been crafting legislation that would have schools begin the day with the Pledge of Allegiance, post the national motto "In God We Trust" in classrooms, or require students to take classes that teach patriotism.

At least these esteemed "lawmakers" aren't trying to hide thier agenda or anything...  8:25:59 AM      comment

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